



资金确认和认证 | 总奖 | 截至目前已分配的资金 | 学生的资格 | 学生奖项总数 | 方法 | 报告 | 链接到CARES ACT文件


Landmark College is required to provide regular reporting to the U.S. Department of Education (ED) on the use of funds authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, 救援, 和经济安全法案(关怀法案), Coronavirus Response and 救援 Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA), 和美国救援计划(ARP). Funds received by Landmark College under the 关心行为 were authorized by Congress and signed into law by the President on March 27, 2020. The information noted below is intended to not only meet the reporting requirements of the 关心行为, CRRSAA, 和ARP but also provide information to our college community regarding Landmark College’s use of the student grant portion of the Higher Education Emergency 救援 Fund (HEERF).

Section 18004(e) of the 关心行为 and section 314(e) of CRRSAA directs institutions receiving funds under these acts to submit (in a time and manner required by the Secretary) a report to the Secretary describing the use of funds distributed from the HEERF. While ARP does not explicitly identify procedures by which institutions submit a report to the Secretary, the Department of Education exercises this reporting authority under 2 CFR 200.328和2 CFR 200.329.

每项法例(关怀), CRRSAA, 和ARP) requires institutions to provide Emergency 金融援助 奖助金 to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus (including eligible expenses under a student’s cost of attendance such as food, 住房, 课程材料, 技术, 卫生保健, 和照顾孩子). 4月9日, 2020, the ED published documents related to the Emergency 金融援助 奖助金, 包括一封来自贝琪·德沃斯部长的信, a form Certification and Agreement for signing and returning by institutions to access the funds, 还有一份机构拨款清单. 随着后续立法的通过(CRRSAA), 和ARP) allocations and reporting requirements were updated.

Each HEERF participating institution must post the information listed below on the institution’s primary website. The following information must appear in a format and location that is easily accessible to the public 30 days after the date when the institution received its allocation under 18004(a)(1) and updated quarterly thereafter.


Landmark College acknowledges that the institution’s authorized representative signed and returned to the Department of Education (Department) the Recipient’s Funding Certification and Agreement to Students under the 关心行为, CRRSAA, 和ARP. Landmark College gives its assurance that the institution has used, 或者打算使用, no less than 50 percent of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the 关心行为 and CRRSAA to provide Emergency 金融援助 奖助金 to students. A specific amount for Emergency 金融援助 奖助金 to students was granted under ARP.


Landmark College has been awarded a total of $1,554,242 under the 关心行为, CRRSAA, 和ARP. 美国教育部颁发的奖状编号. 总金额为553美元,294 which will be provided directly to students impacted by campus disruptions due to coronavirus.



Title: Education Stabilization Fund: Higher Education Emergency 救援 Fund (HEERF)



CFDA: 84.425E


The total amount of Emergency 金融援助 奖助金 distributed to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the 关心行为 from the date of submission, 4月13日, 2020, 到6月29日结束营业, 2020, is $3,500.00.

更新: The total amount of Emergency 金融援助 奖助金 distributed to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the 关心行为 from the date of submission, 4月13日, 2020, 到8月27日结束营业, 2020, is $89,150.

10/9/20更新: The total amount of Emergency 金融援助 奖助金 distributed to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the 关心行为 from the date of submission, 4月13日, 2020, 到9月30日结束营业, 2020, is $93,400.

12/31/20更新: The total amount of Emergency 金融援助 奖助金 distributed to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the 关心行为 from the date of submission, 4月13日, 2020, 到12月31日营业结束为止, 2020, is $105,293.

3/31/21更新: The total amount of Emergency 金融援助 奖助金 distributed to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the 关心行为 from the date of submission, 4月13日, 2020, 到3月31日结束营业, 2021, is $105,429.

6/30/21更新: The total amount of Emergency 金融援助 奖助金 distributed to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the 关心行为 from the date of submission, 4月13日, 2020, 6月30日结束营业, 2021, is $154,929.

9/30/21更新: The total amount of Emergency 金融援助 奖助金 distributed to students under 关心行为, CRRSAA, 及ARP自提交之日起生效, 4月13日, 2020, 到9月30日结束营业,2021, is $304,929.

12/31/21更新: The total amount of Emergency 金融援助 奖助金 distributed to students under 关心行为, CRRSAA, 及ARP自提交之日起生效, 4月13日, 2020, 到12月31日营业结束为止,2021, is $517,454.

3/31/22更新: The total amount of Emergency 金融援助 奖助金 distributed to students under 关心行为, CRRSAA, 及ARP自提交之日起生效, 4月13日, 2020, 到3月31日结束营业, 2022, is $553,294. As of this date all HEERF funds granted to Landmark College for distribution to students have been awarded to students.


The estimated total number of Landmark College students eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, and thus eligible to receive Emergency 金融援助 奖助金 to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the 关心行为, CRRSAA, ARP是743.


The total number of Landmark College students who have received an Emergency 金融援助 Grant to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the 关心行为 from April 28,2020, 到6月29日结束营业, 2020 is 6.

更新: The total number of Landmark College students who have received an Emergency 金融援助 Grant to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the 关心行为 from April 28, 2020, 到8月27日结束营业, 2020 is 159.

10/9/20更新: The total number of Landmark College students who have received an Emergency 金融援助 Grant to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the 关心行为 from April 28, 2020, 到9月30日结束营业, 2020 is 163.

12/31/20更新: The total number of Landmark College students who have received an Emergency 金融援助 Grant to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the 关心行为 from April 28, 2020, 到12月31日营业结束为止, 2020 is 181.

3/31/21更新: The total number of Landmark College students who have received an Emergency 金融援助 Grant to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the 关心行为 from April 28, 2020, 到3月31日结束营业, 2021 is 181.

6/30/21更新: The total number of Landmark College students who have received an Emergency 金融援助 Grant to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the 关心行为 from April 28, 2020, 6月30日结束营业, 2021, is 196.

9/30/21更新: The total number of Landmark College students who have received an Emergency 金融援助 Grant to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the 关心行为 from April 28,2020, 到9月30日结束营业,2021 is 323.

12/21/21更新: The total number of Landmark College students who have received an Emergency 金融援助 Grant to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the 关心行为 from April 28,2020, 到12月31日营业结束为止,2021 is 329.

3/31/22更新: The total number of Landmark College students who have received an Emergency 金融援助 Grant to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the 关心行为 from April 28,2020, 到3月31日结束营业, 2022 is 355.

方法 to Determine Which Students Received Aid and How Much

In accordance with the Secretary of Education’s instructions for institutions to issue aid to students as soon as possible under the student aid portion of the 关心行为, 地标学院发布了《值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台》的通知, 连同申请表格一并递交, on the Landmark College’s 金融援助 webpage on June 3, 2020 and emailed students receiving automatic awards on June 3, 2020. 该申请也于2020年6月3日发布.

根据学生的FASFA,自动进行奖励. Students who had an Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) of $0 – $40,000 as determined on their FAFSA were automatically awarded funds based on the tiers below.

EFC为0 - 2万美元 650美元的奖 111名学生
EFC为20,001 - 30,000美元 450美元的奖 25个学生
EFC为$30,001 - $40,000 250美元的奖 23名学生

Students were notified by email of these awards on June 3, 2020.

Students with EFCs of greater than $40,000 can apply for up to $250.

Students who received an automatic award also may apply for an additional 250美元的奖 provided they can document costs that exceed the total amount they may be awarded.

Funds will be awarded on a first come basis until all funds have been distributed.

Applications will be received by Landmark College’s 金融援助 Office and will be reviewed by the 关心行为 Student Distribution Review Committee. 需要考虑批准的准则是:

  • 明确证明与COVID-19相关的费用;
  • student meets all eligibility requirements under HEERF (see Appendix 1); and
  • the amount, if any, of other emergency funding the student has received.

Students will be notified via their Landmark email address of approval or denial no later than 3 weeks from the date of their application.

6/30/21更新: For the initial distribution of funds under the Coronavirus Response and 救援 Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), Pell grant students at Landmark College enrolled for the Spring 2021 semester were awarded a $750 grant.

9/30/21更新: For the initial distribution of funds under the American Rescue Plan (ARP), Pell grant and Pell-grant eligible students at Landmark College enrolled for the Fall 2021 semester were awarded a $2,500年格兰特.

12/31/21更新: Subsequent distribution of awards to students were made according to each student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC). All students with an EFC of $5,846 or less received or will receive a minimum $2,500 award. Students with an EFC of $70,000 or more will not receive an award. EFC在5美元之间的学生,846美元和70美元,已获得或将获得1万美元的奖金,425美元和975美元根据他们的EFC.

All eligible students enrolled at Landmark College during the 2021-22 academic year have or will receive one award according to their EFC. 学生可申请, 并被鼓励去申请, for additional funds if they can demonstrate COVID related expenses beyond their initial award. 教师 and staff are aware of the availability of funds and encouraged to work with students to apply for additional funding if they know of a student in need.

Requests are reviewed and approved by the Director for 金融援助; Vice-President of Enrollment; Vice-President of Student Affairs and Dean of Campus Life; Chief Financial Officer; Controller; and Director of 奖助金 and Sponsored 项目. Other faculty and staff may be consulted on a case-by-case basis.

报告 for Section (a)(1) Institutional Portion and Section (a)(3) FIPSE


Landmark College received its first HEERF award on May 5, 2020. 然而, the funds could be used for any eligible COVID related expense back to the date of the COVID-19 national emergency declaration on March 13, 2020. Landmark tracked all COVID related expenses that may be reimbursable under HEERF, but in order to maximize the use of available COVID funding from all sources, Landmark did not charge all identified expenses to HEERF.

HEERF必须在2023年6月30日之前全部支出. 随着最后期限的临近, Landmark has chosen to use some of the remaining HEERF to reimburse Landmark for some of the early COVID related costs that have not been reimbursed by any available funding. This requires revising already posted quarterly reports to include the back expenses in the quarter in which they occurred. 根据美国能源部的指导, revised quarterly reports are posted alongside the originally posted quarterly reports.

链接到地标学院的CARES ACT文件

The Landmark College 关心行为 Emergency Funds for Students webpage includes a link to the 关心行为 Emergency Funds Application and a list of FAQs. This information was emailed to all students, faculty, and staff on June 29, 2020. Copies of the informational materials provided to students include the following, 它们与本报告的链接顺序如下:

If you are a student at Landmark College and experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 请联系 米甲莫特 at (电子邮件保护).

