



In response to recent state and federal legislation mandating renewed focus on dyslexia, LCIRT has updated its professional development services for schools and colleges around dyslexia screening, 干预措施, 教师培训. 

Our customized onsite workshops or online 在线研讨会 offer contemporary understanding of dyslexia neuroscience and pedagogy for all levels. LCIRT offers high quality 专业发展 to K-12 schools and colleges, as well as to teacher preparation programs that want to deepen their understanding of dyslexia.


一系列的面对面, onsite workshops or online 在线研讨会 can provide support to educators in the following areas:

  • 检查病因, 神经发育途径, 大脑的签名, prevalence and characteristics, as well as a brief overview of the history of dyslexia re搜索, 干预措施 and legislation.

  • Helps educators understand typical signs of dyslexia at different developmental stages, as well as individual variations in functional limitations.

  • Identifies the key to scientifically-validated remediation, based on familiarity with the phonology, 拼字法, and morphology of words in English, since these form the basis for instruction that develops accurate and automatic application of the alphabetic principle when decoding words

  • Examines how early intervention can help prevent reading failure. Learn classroom-tested and scientifically valid programs and approaches based on systematic, 基于语言, 多感官指令.

  • Looks at how to assess individual progress and evaluate programs, including early screening and ongoing progress monitoring.

U.S. states with laws, initiatives, or resolutions related to dyslexia (shown in blue).* 

*截至2015年12月. 资料来源:Youman, M.,& 马瑟,N. (2015). Dyslexia Laws in the USA: An Update. Perspectives on Language and Literacy. 

“Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurobiological in origin.”
 - International Dyslexia Association, 2002


  • Deficits in processing speech sounds of language (phonology)
  • Difficulty with accurate/fluent word recognition
  • Poor spelling and handwriting
  • Secondary difficulty with reading comprehension and fluency, written expression
  • It is NOT primarily related to visual processing or seeing letters/words backwards

Students with dyslexia have difficulty processing sounds of language accurately and automatically. Even before students learn to read, there are predictive symptoms that include difficulty with:

  • 学习字母表
  • Recognizing sounds and shapes of letters
  • 押韵
  • 计数音节
  • 准确发音
  • 识别常用词
  • 学习写信

Even after students learn the early stages of reading, 拼写和写作, there may be persistent signs of dyslexia that include:

  • 阅读缓慢、不流畅
  • Need for extended time for reading and writing
  • Reluctance to read aloud, especially in front of peers
  • 阅读理解能力弱
  • Poor spelling and handwriting
  • Avoidance of reading and writing tasks

早期干预 (in primary grades) are most effective in preventing or minimizing the negative impact of dyslexia on academic success and self-image. 这些包括:

  • Screening to identify students at risk
  • 系统的, 基于语言 instruction in phonemic awareness, 拼字法 (spelling patterns), and morphology (word structure)
  • Explicit support and practice in developing fluency

然而, Landmark College is proof that 干预措施 for older students with dyslexia work, 包括:

  • Specialized remedial reading and spelling systems
  • 支持技术
  • Strategy instruction in reading, writing, and study skills

 LCIRT offers schools and colleges professional development in all these areas via:
