



Family communications with college staff may be needed more often for students who learn differently. 具有里程碑意义的大学的家庭项目帮助家长找到合适的学院资源, 促进及时回应, 并帮助家庭解决问题或疑虑. 这只是众多方法之一 Landmark不同于传统的学院.

有问题? 以下是联系方式

We know that it can often be more helpful to speak to a live person when you have a question about 学生生活 at 具有里程碑意义的大学. 当前学生的家庭成员可以联系家庭计划802-387-6714或 (电子邮件保护). 我们可以通过电话或电子邮件,周一至周五,上午9点.m. 到5点.m. ET. 我们期待与您合作.

如果你是未来学生的家庭成员或监护人,请联系 值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台办公室 电话:802-387-6718或 (电子邮件保护).

透过地标谘询资源委员会(LARC), both prospective and current families can also submit questions to be answered by current and former 具有里程碑意义的大学 families via the 询问里程碑家庭表格 下面.



透过地标谘询资源委员会(LARC), both prospective and current families can submit questions to be answered by current and former 具有里程碑意义的大学 families. 使用下面的表格发送你的问题.




  • 你应该让你的学生联系他们的常驻院长(RD). 你也可以联系RD给他们一个“提醒”,,尽管他们想直接和你的学生一起工作. Since students may never have lived outside their immediate family environments—and since they will be under tremendous pressure to adjust to college life—this is not uncommon. We work very hard to match students with compatible roommates using the 信息 students provide. 如果有冲突,尽管如此, the Resident Dean will facilitate a discussion between the students about the issues and concerns. 只有在绝对必要的情况下,我们才会尝试重新分配房间.

  • 由地标学院提供

    普特尼,VT 05346


    普特尼,VT 05346

    当包裹到达时, your student will receive an email from the Business Office (located in the Administration Building). 学生们可以去那里签收,然后领取他们的包裹.


  • Students who purchased their laptop through the college should take it to the IT Department Help Desk that is located on the 2nd floor of the 图书馆. 可以拨打802-387-6800或发电子邮件与他们联系 (电子邮件保护). Students who did not purchase their laptop through the college and are having hardware issues will need to have it serviced off-campus. 当地有许多电脑维修设施. IT部门可以帮助学生找到这些资源.


  • 偶尔,学生也可以住在校外. 不过,绝大多数学生都住在校园里. Students interested in living off-campus should contact the Director of 住宅生活 to find out about this option.


  • 如果学生生病了, he/she should go to the Student Health Center on the 2nd floor of the Strauch Family Student Center. 如在健康中心正常工作时间后发病, 伯瑞特伯勒初级保健, 一个内科小组, 在卫生服务关闭时提供医疗保险. 医生24小时随叫随到. 如果可能的话, students who are ill should notify their professors that they will be absent prior to the start of class.


  • A limited amount of storage is available for students who are returning to the Putney campus the 下一个 semester. Students who do not have a room change between the Fall and Spring semesters are allowed to keep their belongings in their current rooms. 具体的书面指导方针可从住宿生活办公室获得. 可以拨打802-387-6714与他们联系.


  • 单人间一般不提供给一年级学生. 学院有数量有限的单人房,按年资分配. Students who would eventually like to have a single room are advised to put in applications early (and be patient). 学生应向注册主任提出申请.


  • 一般来说,没有. 除非遇到危及生命的情况, 是否去咨询完全取决于学生的选择. Parents who are concerned about their students or wish to consult with a counselor about how to discuss that concern or the option of counseling may contact Counseling Services by calling 802-387-1636.


  • 佛蒙特州帕特尼没有药房. 处方药可以在邻近城镇的当地药店买到, 从家庭药房寄给学生, 或者给基恩西街的CVS药房开处方, NH. 具有里程碑意义的大学 offers a free service to pick your student's prescription on Tuesdays and Thursdays during normal working hours. 你所要做的就是填写一份申请 处方领取表格 这样司机就知道处方已经准备好了. 如果你服用处方药,提前几个月就开始计划. 参见医学和心理健康护理向地标学院的转变.

    的re are three different approaches for students to manage their prescription medications while on campus:

    1. 继续在家与开处方的临床医生一起工作
      • 当您与您的处方临床医生建立了积极的关系时优先考虑.
      • 当保险福利限制提供者选择和/或州外提供者访问时优先.
      • Requires planning ahead for appointment to coincide with visits home or ability to use telehealth technologies.
      • Requires making arrangements to have prescriptions filled at home pharmacies and then shipped.
      • Prescribers are able to use Hotel Pharmacy 服务 with delivery to student on campus or prescribe to other local pharmacies.
      • 家庭 with Medicaid plans will have difficulty accessing medical or pharmacy care outside of their home state, 虽然, 学生可以在卫生服务部门获得护理.
      • Requires understanding your clinician’s availability in case you have to report concerns or problems-or secure a refill prescription.
    2. Establish a relationship with prescribers at 具有里程碑意义的大学 through Health and Counseling Services whose care is covered under the tuition fee. Clinicians in Health Services are able to refill prescriptions for students who are stable on their regimen including controlled substances. Consulting psychiatrists are available on-campus for evaluation and on-going care in a fee-for-service arrangement.
      • Preferred if you are unable to continue working with a home clinician for prescriptions when away at school.
      • 需要面对面咨询和评估的学生优先.
      • 在校园内提供无障碍护理.
      • Requires the student establish a relationship with a Health and Counseling Services medical clinician and a counselor to receive psychiatric medications.
      • 允许卫生服务临床医生与家庭处方医生合作.
      • Requires registration with Hotel Pharmacy or another local pharmacy to deliver medications to campus. 如果有交通工具,学生可以使用当地的其他药店.
    3. 与地标学院地区的处方临床医生建立关系.
      • 当您当前的处方临床医生不能继续用药管理时首选
      • 如果您不想与健康和咨询服务部门的临床医生一起工作,则优先考虑
      • Preferred when you cannot get the support mechanisms in place to have prescriptions filled at home.
      • Requires planning and scheduling as well as transportation by the student or local cab company.
      • Requires verification that both the prescriber and pharmacy 服务 are covered by your insurance, 尤其是如果你有医疗补助保险计划的话.


  • No. Students keep their medications and are responsible for taking them as directed by their physician.

  • 的 residence halls are closed during most extended breaks to give us time to spruce things up and to give our staff a break too. 少数学生只能在感恩节和春假期间入住. 学生将在第二个月的课程中获得申请信息. 宿舍将在3天和4天的周末保持开放.


  • 的re is service from most national carriers; however, 学院位于多山的农村地区. 这里的许多人用Verizon,美国.S. 细胞,&T和Sprint.

  • 最近的机场是 布拉德利国际机场 在康涅狄格州的温莎洛克. 这是康涅狄格州哈特福德的北部. 的 美国铁路公司 培训和 灰狗 公交车站位于佛蒙特州的伯瑞特伯勒.

    地标学院在学期和休息时间提供班车服务. 到布拉德利国际机场的班车服务是收费的. 收费的, 我们也提供往返宾夕法尼亚车站/莫伊尼汉大厅的班车服务, 洛根国际机场, 和斯普林菲尔德, 美国铁路车站. Due to the range of departure times and airport selection, we cannot always accommodate everyone. 需要预约. 学生也可以使用商业班车服务.

    更多关于 航天飞机服务
